What Are The Most Common Foods That Cause Allergy?

I love eating shrimp. At the risk of reenacting a scene straight out of Forrest Gump: fried butterfly shrimp, coconut shrimp, sweet and sour shrimp, or grilled shrimp–it’s all good! Much to my chagrin, there are many people out there who have never experienced the blissful act of popping a popcorn shrimp into their mouth after it’s been kissed by cocktail sauce.

Testing 1-2, Testing…Is This Thing Working?

Do you remember high school? I remember the good ol’ days of questionable fashion choices, trying to impress your idiot friends, and the daily battle with teenage acne. I also remember most of my teachers, the classes, and, of course, the tests. While I don’t recall the specific details of each of these tests, I do remember that there seemed to be a considerable difference in the degree of difficulty for each test amongst teachers.

New Ninja Tricks To Treat Asthma

Imagine having a disease in which you constantly feel like you are struggling to breathe. Imagine feeling like you’ve just run a marathon and your only source of air is through a tiny cocktail straw while an NFL linebacker is giving you a bearhug. What if the only medications that your doctor can come up with don’t seem to work anymore,


Food allergy, nasal allergy, and asthma have all been on the rise for the past several decades, and there doesn’t seem to be anything that we can do to slow down this trend…until now. A recent review article in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology has given us clues as to how these diseases start and how we can prevent them from starting in the first place.